Tag Archives: The Vampire Diares

Monday? Again?

I have so much to do, I’m going to bed.

That is how I feel every time I walk into my kitchen today. The husband and I really let it go over weekend. And I would love to say that it was because we cooked this big amazing meal but we ordered in ever meal but one which we went out for on Friday night. I’m going to go ahead and blame it on the cold and snow. Yeah. That’s it.

I did leave the house once on Saturday to go see The Vow with a girlfriend. And despite the steady stream of tears that fell down my face throughout the entire thing, I loved it. I can’t really figure out why. It was a little on the slow side, incomplete at times, but that didn’t seem to matter. I walked out of the theater wanting so badly to see it again. And I swear that Channing Tatum’s bare butt had nothing to do with it.

Staying in most of the weekend gave me time to read a couple of articles on the atrocities done unto women that make this country look like it’s still in the dark ages. The first, from HelloGiggles.com was about Chris Brown and the Grammy’s (during last night’s ceremony he performed and won for Best R&B Album). After reading the article, I decided not to watch the award show at all. It wasn’t so much that I was pissed about Chris Brown (which I still am and have every right to be) but more so because of what was said about it by the Grammy Producers:

“We’re glad to have him back,” said executive producer Ken Ehrlich. “I think people deserve a second chance, you know. If you’ll note, he has not been on the Grammys for the past few years and it may have taken us a while to kind of get over the fact that we were the victim of what happened.”

Glad to see that both Adele and the Foo Fighters were awarded many times over (although my favorite F+M was completely ignored) but NOTHING was going to make me watch that telecast after reading that. What a disgusting pig. If he’d like to become an actual victim I am sure that can be arranged.

The other article that had me ready to light up my torch and take to the streets was an opinion piece from the Chicago Tribune on how various men in Congress, The Supreme Court and in the Catholic Church believe women to be incapable of making decisions about their own bodies. This kind of stuff always gets me on the defensive and makes me want to look at women who side with THEM like they have some kind of alien appendage growing out of their faces.

The CW has opted for a different way of raising my blood pressure. Starting today on their Facebook page they have available old school looking Valentine’s Day cards staring all of your favorite CW guys. I suppose you have to know the characters or plot lines of their shows in order to get the little jokes but these are my three favorites, aren’t they so dreamy?





















And someone (I don’t remember who) posted this at some point over the weekend and it made me laugh and think of everyone I knew growing up in Colorado:










Lastly, I leave you with a song from one of my favorite bands, Wakey!Wakey! which is more for my benefit than it is for yours since I am probably the only one still in bed.

Have a great week y’all!




Filed under More Me, Movies, Music, Politics